I am a broadly trained social scientist using approaches and methods from critical communication studies, ecological economics and political economy. My recent research evolves around three core themes: (1) digital capitalism and the transformation of socio-economic relations, (2) climate-social policies and discourses of climate crisis, and (3) media dynamics, economic inequality and redistribution policies.
I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Linz Institute for Transformative Change and the Institute for Comprehensive Analysis of the Economy, JKU Linz. I am also a post-doctoral fellow at the Media, Inequality & Change Center (MIC) at the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pensylvania.
I am always interested in sharing knowledge and insights with others, collaborating and broadening my perspectives.
Please feel free to get in touch with me!

I work on various research projects using qualitative and quantitative methods.
This section gives an overview of ongoing and past research endeavors.
Here you can find recent selected publications as well as full list to download.
I am passionate about teaching, supervising and mentoring the next generation of critical students.
This section gives an overview of current and past teaching and supervision.